We had a cheer competition yesterday! It went okay, Our best round was round 1. Our round 3 went amazing,until I fell out of my scorpion( where you take your foot behind your head and point in a lib), then our tick tock pyramid( where your in a stunt group pyramid with 3 groups and there are two groups on the side that hold the flyer in the middles hand and the middle flyer does switch libs) fell and was all out of place. But, other than that it was fun!

My sister got her holiday costume for her christmas performance. It is soooo cute. It is a mini dress that looks like a santa costume. It is red velvet with white fur around the whole edges and a black belt around the waist, it comes with gloves too! I wish I could of performed in the show too. Our dance studio is going to be the entertainment for a breakfast with santa and holiday parade. She got her costume for production too. The theme is candy. it is a black leotard, with a pink plaid skirt and black stockings, but the stockings don't fit because she is too tiny. She always looks cute in her costumes because she is sooooooo tiny, and sometimes they are too big!
jessies costume
Thanksgiving was very boring. There was just a lot of old people at my house talking about absolutly nothing. Then when me and my sister tried to talk they could not hear and talked right over us. There was nothing to do! The day after we spent the night at my grandmas and picked up her car, and did nothing else. Then I had to get up at 10:00 for cheer. After Alyssa came over and we went to the movies with Jessie. We saw Four Christmases, it was pretty good but there was a lot of things Jessie really did not understand. After we just went back to my house, then my dad blew up the air matress. It was so blown up we did flips and tucks onto it, and did not hurt ourselves. Then on Sunday i got hardwood floors, my dad ripped up my carpet, and I had hardwood floors. Then my mom got me a new bedspread. It is hot pink, black, and white. My break was very boring!
soooo boring

Last week was spirt week at my dance studio and Jessie went all out. She looked really good. For P.J. day she wore last years productions footie pajamas. Then for make-up day she looked ridiculous, she had make-up on pretty much every inch of her face. For hat day she wore an old Jessie the yodaling cowgirl hat that was like 3 ft. wide! And on flex point spirt day she had red,black,and white everywere. Then at the end of that day the company girls got their christmas presents from Sally and Nicole, which were flex point sweatshirts with their name on the back! they are so lucky!!
flex point
my friend alyssa is coming over saturday and i am really exiteed! but, not as exited as jessie. jessie is in love with alyssa, i think jessie wants to marry her, just kidding. But, realy jessie is in love with alyssa. I just hope my dad says she can come, but he will.
sorry alyssa i had absolutly nothing to write about.
sorry alyssa i had absolutly nothing to write about.
nothing important
I cannot wait for ............CHRISTMAS!!! I love christmas because there are sooo many things we in november. December 22 is jessies birthday (she turns 13 :( ) then the 23 is a big day of nothing. it is my least favorite day of the year. Then the 24 is christmas eve and then the 25 is christmas!!!!!!!!!! unlike emily i love to listen to christmas music it is so happy and gets me really exited! i cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!
Thurday is Thanksgiving and i am not that exited. The only fun part of it is watching the parade with Jessie and being stupid. (we are good at like, or at least jessie. just kidding) This thanksgiving is a handicapped thanksgiving. The only people coming are old, except for my aunt jordan and uncle jeff. I seriously think were going to have a medicine table. Whatever, it'll still be fun. Jessies always entertaining.
Thurday is Thanksgiving and i am not that exited. The only fun part of it is watching the parade with Jessie and being stupid. (we are good at like, or at least jessie. just kidding) This thanksgiving is a handicapped thanksgiving. The only people coming are old, except for my aunt jordan and uncle jeff. I seriously think were going to have a medicine table. Whatever, it'll still be fun. Jessies always entertaining.
Yesterday or the day before, I don't know. We went to my Grandmas' to celebrate her birthday. My Uncle Mike and sister snuck out to silly string my mom and dad's car. They did such a good job. When i went out to look the car was covered, you could not see out the window! But, then it started to snow and it hid all the string, then it melted under the snow. My sister and uncle were really disappointed, but the snow was pink I guess that was good enough. Then on the ride home it was really icy and, my grandma Schoen went to the party too, she just moved here from Mississipppi. We saw her behind us going 15 miles per hour. My dad had to follow her home, it took him like a half hour, and my grandma lives 3 miles away from my other grandma. I felt really bad for my dad.

This is my most favorite athlete in the world, her name is.....................Sasha Cohen! She is a U.S. figure skater, and made it all the way to the Olympics and got a silver medal! She doesn't figure skate anymore though :( it is really sad because she is the most flexible figure skater in the world! Along with Sasha Cohen i also like Tanith Belbin and Ben Agosto. They are ice dancing pairs who are some of the best too. They are from the U.S. and won a silver in the Olympics too. They used to train in Novi, but now they train in Boston. My dad thinks Tanith is pretty! :)
P.S. if you want to i have a link to Sasha's website down at the bottom.
sasha cohen

Over the week i got to see my sister's dance routines. She has so many I do not know how she memorizes them all! But, she looks so cute when she dances because she is soooo tiny and everybody else towers her. Everybody loves Jessie, her feet never touch the floor at dance because everybody is carrying her. It made me want to dance again, but i really love cheer. It also made me remember past competitions when we used to goof off and run around the auditorium with our costumes and make-up on.
The dance i loved of jessie's out of every single class she's ever taken was her solo. She danced to the song a little brains a little talent. She looked sooooooo cute. It was a musical theatre number (that is when you lip sync and dance.) here is a picture of her costume.
Monday is cheer try-outs and I am so exited! I cannot wait to cheer again. it will be so much fun to see how many new people make the team. I expecially cannot wait for competitions, I hope they will be just like dance competitions, tons of fun!!!!
cheer tryouts

Yayyy! I got my lib arabesque! I am the flyer in the middle with my leg in an extension. Taylor is the flyer next to me, she is really good too! This picture pretty much explains what a lib arabesque is. I also got my double, but then i lost it. :( I cannot wait for competitive cheer!!!!!!
Tomorrow is Halloween and last Sunday we went to a
Haunted House. It was a driveway filled with mannequins and a man or two dress up to scare you. My sister saw a mannequin or person lying on the ground and insisted it was real, then the man jumped up from the ground screaming, Jessie and i ran to the car and almost dyed. the man apologized, But we already locked ourselves in the car.

This is all the girls in company last year. Our theme was dolls for production. I am the nurse and Jess is the girl in PJ's behind the bride (Caroline).
One of my favorite sports in the world is dance. many people do not think it is a sport, but i think anything that involves so much physical activity and dedication is a sport. My dance studio is Flex Point performing arts Center. That is the best studio in my opinion because everybody is so close, and the teachers are so nice and love everybody in the studio.
The best part of Dance is competition, that is were you compete againest other studios. But, nobody wins, you just get placed. The best part is the competitions themselves. I love getting dressed in sparkly costumes, and putting pounds of make-up on. My sister and i both know it is competition when our bathroom gets turned into a make-up studio, a costume rack is in the living room, and the whole house smells of hairspray. Another great feeling is when you are in position behing the curtains ready to perform, and you have butterflies in your stomach.
Some of the best people you meet are the people you dance with. It is even more fun when you dance with your sister, you spend the whole day together. Another great part are the teachers, the owners of my studio, and teachers are miss Sally, and miss Nicole. They are the nicest people you will ever meet. They really care about you
( If you want to see ym studio go to flexpointpac.com)
The best part of Dance is competition, that is were you compete againest other studios. But, nobody wins, you just get placed. The best part is the competitions themselves. I love getting dressed in sparkly costumes, and putting pounds of make-up on. My sister and i both know it is competition when our bathroom gets turned into a make-up studio, a costume rack is in the living room, and the whole house smells of hairspray. Another great feeling is when you are in position behing the curtains ready to perform, and you have butterflies in your stomach.
Some of the best people you meet are the people you dance with. It is even more fun when you dance with your sister, you spend the whole day together. Another great part are the teachers, the owners of my studio, and teachers are miss Sally, and miss Nicole. They are the nicest people you will ever meet. They really care about you
( If you want to see ym studio go to flexpointpac.com)

here is my little sister jessie, she is my best friend and here is a picture of her at dance. our dance studio is Flex Point Performing arts Center, it is the best place ever. she does....musical theatre,jazz,balllet,tumbling,production, and hip hop. Today she broke her hand at dance doing a double turn.
J e s s
Over my summer break i went to Texas. We stayed with my aunt and uncle. They have the biggest house! They have a home theatre with eight la z boy recliners, 2 home offices, 5 bedrooms, a game room, and a craft room. As well as a cabana outside with 2 decks an upper and a lower. Their pool has a waterfall, built in table and you walk into it like a beach. We went to hurricane harbor, and the book depository building building. Hurricane Harbor was fun there was alot of slides. The book depository building was very in formational. At the 2nd to last day my aunt made reservations to get pedicures! At the last day it was hard to say goodbye to the beautiful house (and our family) (:
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