One of my favorite sports in the world is dance. many people do not think it is a sport, but i think anything that involves so much physical activity and dedication is a sport. My dance studio is
Flex Point performing arts Center. That is the best studio in my opinion because everybody is so close, and the teachers are so nice and love everybody in the studio.
The best part of Dance is competition, that is were you compete againest other studios. But, nobody wins, you just get placed. The best part is the competitions themselves. I love getting dressed in sparkly costumes, and putting pounds of make-up on. My sister and i both know it is competition when our bathroom gets turned into a make-up studio, a costume rack is in the living room, and the whole house smells of hairspray. Another great feeling is when you are in position behing the curtains ready to perform, and you have butterflies in your stomach.
Some of the best people you meet are the people you dance with. It is even more fun when you dance with your sister, you spend the whole day together. Another great part are the teachers, the owners of my studio, and teachers are miss Sally, and miss Nicole. They are the nicest people you will ever meet. They really care about you
( If you want to see ym studio go to