
Sunday i went driving. Before i start i'll say this: "No Jessie, you can't go because if we crash into a pole and die i still want one daughter left"-Dad. That is what dad said minutes before we left, and jessie asked if she could come. That really helped . But, we did not crash, and i only went off the cement once! It went ten times better than i expected. I learned two things: cement is your friend, and do not step on the brake hard, it will not turn out good.
Okay. So, almost all my posts are about Jessie and Dance. But, I'm not cheering now and those two are all I have. This week-end, Big Surprise!, jessie had a dance competition. It was a lot of sitting, and a ton of bags and costumes. We have 7 costumes, make up box, dance bag, thing to hang the costumes, cooler, and tons of paper bags. It took a ton of energy just to get out of the house. Then, Jessie had about ten million costume changes, so that meant i had a lot of running around to do. But, thank the lord we had about an hour to go home and rest. And then we had to go back up. If Jessie wasn't so cute, she would have to change herself, and that would be disastorious. Trust me.


Today i get to get ready for a dance competition. and it's not even my competition. Jessie has about 7 dances and a lot of quick changes. Yay! In one number she is an old lady and has a wig. So, i have to help her change. The bad part is it is an all day competition on saturday. My whole saturday i will be in walled lake. Just when i thought i finally had my saturdays back. It's not that i hate dance competitions, they are a lot of fun. But, we have to wake up around 6:00 a.m., and Jessie will be the crabbiest person in the world. Yes!!! I also have to sit and watch people dance over and over again. A lot of numbers at our studio are good, but it gets boring when you they don't belong to your studio, and are really boring. The good part is that it is not an all weekend competion, just one day.