
Yesterday or the day before, I don't know. We went to my Grandmas' to celebrate her birthday. My Uncle Mike and sister snuck out to silly string my mom and dad's car. They did such a good job. When i went out to look the car was covered, you could not see out the window! But, then it started to snow and it hid all the string, then it melted under the snow. My sister and uncle were really disappointed, but the snow was pink I guess that was good enough. Then on the ride home it was really icy and, my grandma Schoen went to the party too, she just moved here from Mississipppi. We saw her behind us going 15 miles per hour. My dad had to follow her home, it took him like a half hour, and my grandma lives 3 miles away from my other grandma. I felt really bad for my dad.

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Assy said...
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