
We had a cheer competition yesterday! It went okay, Our best round was round 1. Our round 3 went amazing,until I fell out of my scorpion( where you take your foot behind your head and point in a lib), then our tick tock pyramid( where your in a stunt group pyramid with 3 groups and there are two groups on the side that hold the flyer in the middles hand and the middle flyer does switch libs) fell and was all out of place. But, other than that it was fun!


jessie earnest said...

shame on you kelly for falling!! you ruined everything!!

lol jk, great job!

Assy said...

awwww! poor kelly:( at least you had fun?!?!

Olive said...

haha thats crazy! i would be way too scared to do anything like that. you are a brave lady kelly, quite brave.